About this site

Data Analytics

Compelling visualizations, uncomfortable insights and pleasing aesthestics. All with a fair dose of tips & tricks, BI best practices and a sprinkling of MSG.

Backend Stuff

Let's face it: we're both on a journey here. As I gain a deeper understanding on how things work, I will make sure to post cool findings. Eventually my advice may come at price so get it while it's free.

Oil & Gas

I worked in the industry for 2 and a half years. It is a strong part of my identity and will always remain a subject of interest. The intersection between energy and analytics is a space of great opportunity.


Ok, this coffee mug is supposed to represent any subject that may be categorized as 'other'. Why not be pretentious and call it 'Philosophy' instead? Technologists tend to be pretty esoteric anyways.


Tableau JavaScript API

Tableau's JavaScript API

Embed Tableau content on your website or application. Use JS functions to extend functionality. A great place to learn these skills from a no-nonsense author.

Tableau Visual Gallery

Visual Analytics Gallery

Tableau Public is a treasure trove of fantastic content. Given it's open nature and size sometimes a little guidance is needed. Here you will find a curated collection of my favorite data visualizations.

Tableau Well Logs

Tableau Well Logs

Transform your .las files into a friendlier format. Use Tableau Prep to create a repository of all your logs, create visual magic with Tableau Desktop.



What does it even mean? Totally a made up word.

Stephen Price

About the Author

Context. Very important!

Tableau Reflection Seismology

Tableau Reflection Seismology

How to visualize seismic reports for oil & gas applications using Tableau. Not your everyday use case but man is the solution pretty cool!