Greenlight Project

The Tableau blog you've always wanted! Leverage the modern web to build a site that's fast, secure, and low maintenance. Forget about deploying servers and dealing with malware. Instead, focus on your content and let Greenlight take care of the rest. Project
Burger I/O is a restaurant app that lets users input the names of burgers they'd like to eat. It uses MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars, and a homemade ORM (yum!).

Marvel Basement Project
Marvel Basement

A collaborative coding exercise using Github orgs and projects. Featuring the Marvel and Giphy APIs, AJAX, Materialize, jQuery, responsive design and local storage to save user inputs.

Marduk Weather Dashboard
Marduk - Weather Dashboard

This project uses the OpenWeather API to obtain current weather conditions and 5 day forecasts. Images are obtained from the Unsplash API.

Memento Mori - Scheduler
Memento Mori - Scheduler

A workday scheduler built with jQuery, Bootstrap and Day.js, using local storage to persist scheduled events. Unsaved events will be cleared to keep the calendar organized.

CloudHome OpenAPI Project
CloudHome API

An OpenAPI v3 description written with Stoplight Studio. Use this API to leverage CloudHome's central repository of devices that allow's users to manage automation systems at home, at work or on the go.

Embedding Tableau Dashboards
Tableau's Javascript API

Embed Tableau content on your website or application. Use JS functions to extend the dashboard's functionality. A great place to learn these skills from a no-nonsense author.

A Gallery of Cool Tableau Dashboards
Visual Analytics Gallery

Tableau Public is a treasure trove of fantastic content. Given it's open nature and size sometimes a little guidance is needed. Here you will find a curated collection of my favorite data visualizations.

Data prep for well log analysis
Tableau Well Logs

Transform your .las files into a friendlier format. Use Tableau Prep to create a repository of all your logs, create visual magic with Tableau Desktop.

Reflection Seismology in Tableau
Tableau Reflection Seismology

How to visualize seismic reports for oil & gas applications using Tableau. Not your everyday use case but man is the solution pretty cool!